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A great addition to any garden, evergreens add winter interest and are commonly used in both borders and for hedging.


Please click on the plant names for more information.


 Rhododendron - English Roseum

Rhododendron - English Roseum

Graces the garden with its profuse, large, dome-shaped clusters of 8-10 trumpet shaped, lilac rose flowers with delicate orange freckles.

Cedar - Cheer Drops

Cedar - Cheer Drops

Bright green fragrant foliage in a unique tear drop habit. Perfect for creating shorter, wider hedges and wind breaks, or as a specimen plant.

Cedar - Emerald

Cedar - Emerald

Perfectly pyramidical bright green cedar that does not have to be sheared to hold its shape. Makes an excellent hedging plant that holds its colour well through winter.

Cedar - Jantar

Cedar - Jantar

Invigorating, cheerful yellow foliage on this narrow upright pyramidal grower. More branches leading to a denser appearance than most yellow cedars. As the cooler weather approaches the golden leaves take on a mellow orange to amber hue.

Cedar - Thin Man

Cedar - Thin Man

Great choice for screens and to define property lines where the width of most cedars would pose a problem. Thin man naturally grows narrow and tall and can be sheared down to make a very thin hedge.

Cedar, Globe - Golden

Cedar, Globe - Golden

Dwarf, dense cultivar with a rounded, globular form. Soft yellow, scale-like foliage in flat sprays.

Cotoneaster - Bearberry

Cotoneaster - Bearberry

Wonderful prostate evergreen ground cover with trailing branches , white flowers in May and striking red berries in the fall and winter.

Daphne, Dwarf - Lawrence Crocker

Daphne, Dwarf - Lawrence Crocker

A low mounding evergreen shrub. It bears large clusters of soft lavender pink flowers with the most intoxicatingly sweet and pleasant fragrance during late spring and early summer. Dark green glossy leaves.

Hemlock, Eastern

Hemlock, Eastern

Dense, pyramidal evergreen noted for having the small needles and cones. Flat sprays of lacy evergreen foliage give this tree a graceful form. Lower branches often dip toward the ground. Thick and ridged bark on mature trees is red-brown to gray-brown.

Inkberry Holly - Squeeze box

Inkberry Holly - Squeeze box

Perfect for bringing height and a touch of formality to your garden or landscape. Naturally grows with an upright pyramidal shape



Dainty nodding shell pink, bell shaped flowers adorn the ends of the branches in mid spring. Abundance of magnificent red berries from late summer to late fall. Evergreen. Also known as Kinninnick. Native to Ontario and most of Canada.

Cedar - Degroots Spire

Cedar - Degroots Spire

Striking accent plant with a narrow, columnar form and rich green twisted foliage. It retains its attractiveness with age.

Cedar - Fire Chief

Cedar - Fire Chief

A dwarf, rounded, evergreen, shrub, with dense sprays of feathery bright gold foliage in spring, turning sage green and topped with red tips in the fall.

Cedar - Mr. Bowling Ball

Cedar - Mr. Bowling Ball

Features attractive sage green foliage which emerges light green in spring. A distinctive landscape evergreen with very soft sage green foliage that doesn't discolor in winter; forms a dense rounded ball shape without pruning.

Cedar - White

Cedar - White

Native white cedar often called hedging or swamp cedar, although prefers dry sites! Makes an excellent hedging plant that holds its colour well through winter and tolerates shearing well.

Cedar, Globe - Hetz Midget

Cedar, Globe - Hetz Midget

Rich green needles are arranged in flat layered sprays. Compact, dense, globe shaped growth habit. Very adaptable, tough, durable plant.

Cypress, Dwarf Threadleaf - Golden Mops

Cypress, Dwarf Threadleaf - Golden Mops

A shaggy compact mound that is truly mop-like, with stringy leaves that have their best colour in full sun.

Fir - Balsam

Fir - Balsam

Symmetrical spire-like crown, shining dark green color, and spicy fragrance have make it a favorite for Christmas trees.

Holly - Blue Princess

Holly - Blue Princess

Compact densely branched habit. Small white flowers in early spring. This variety is evergreen. This female selection produces copious amounts of dark red berries to be enjoyed in fall and winter

Juniper - Blue Chip

Juniper - Blue Chip

Soft & feathery bright silver blue needles year round. Tough & durable, it forms a splendid mounded carpet

Cedar - Black

Cedar - Black

Similar to white cedar but with darker green foliage. Makes an excellent hedging plant that holds its colour well through winter and tolerates shearing well

Cedar - Eastern Red

Cedar - Eastern Red

Pyramidal in form. Brown bark exfoliates in strips adding interest to the landscape. Makes an excellent windbreak and is easily sheared. Extremely tough juniper that grows well in rocky dry areas. Native to Ontario & Quebec.

Cedar - Fluffy

Cedar - Fluffy

Soft, bold foliage that emerges yellow and gives the plant a halo-like effect in the landscape. Its cheerful color persists even in winter.

Cedar - Rheingold

Cedar - Rheingold

Golden, lacy foliage of ‘Rheingold' attracts your attention. New growth in spring is an intense yellow, which turns greenish with yellow overtones in summer and finally a rich, bronze yellow in winter.

Cedar, Globe - Anna's Magic Ball

Cedar, Globe - Anna's Magic Ball

Cute little sphere of cheerful yellow foliage that holds it colour all year round. Naturally grows into a tight rounded ball—no pruning necessary!

Christmas Fern

Christmas Fern

Forms a fountain-like clump featuring leathery, lance-shaped, evergreen fronds.

Cypress, Russian - Celtic Pride

Cypress, Russian - Celtic Pride

Deep green summer color that can fill the roughest toughest, driest, most gnarly areas of the landscape with a carpet of green.

Fir, Fraser

Fir, Fraser

Dark green flat needles have rounded tips and a silvery underside, cones stand upright and turn pink as they ripen.

Inkberry Holly - Shamrock

Inkberry Holly - Shamrock

A standout shrub with bright glossy green foliage and a compact growth habit.

Juniper - Blue Pacific

Juniper - Blue Pacific

Dense blue-green foliage gives this selection a handsome appearance. Wonderful, low, spreading form makes a superb groundcover, group planting or single specimen

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